Trained on the world’s largest quantitative mass spec dataset and built upon our Large Spectral Model (LSM), PyxisTM deep-learns how to map raw mass spec data to absolute concentrations. Harnessing a set of universal calibrants called StandardCandlesTM, Pyxis produces untargeted absolute quantitative results in minutes, without expertise or manual data processing.
What Makes Pyxis Unique
Untargeted: ability to broadly identify and quantify as many features as possible from raw untargeted data
Quantitative: absolute quantitation makes it possible to compare data across samples, experiments, studies, and even across laboratories
Fast: results allow for decision as soon as data acquisition is complete
Automated: no need for PhD-level expertise to manually curate features and analyze data
Scalable: a small set of universal methods and standards replaces laborious method development and calibrations that yield limited analytical coverage
Reproducible: a single sample preparation kit and software pipeline to ensure uniformity and standardization

Web Application
Fast & Automated Data Processing: Our cloudbased application streamlines data workflows with rapid, automated processing
Secure Infrastructure: Secure data storage and transfer
Scalable Sample Handling: Analyze up to 384 samples in under 15 minutes

Pyxis Hydra: Identify and quantify hundreds of HILIC compatible analytes with an uncertainty range for each analyte and concentration. Broad quantitative annotation of untargeted LC-MS samples. Ideal applications include microbiome science, drug discovery, and biomarker discovery.
Pyxis Vela: Rapid, accurate, and precise absolute quantitation of the key indicators for healthy cell functioning. Ideal applications include bioprocessing, synthetic biology, media analysis, and drug development.

Methods for Rapid Deployment
Easy setup and onboarding
Consumables, standardized sample preparation, and LC-MS methods ensure uniformity
StandardCandles: Universal calibrators replace isotopically labeled individual standards, thereby broadening analytical coverage

Pyxis Product Brochure
A product brochure that details Pyxis application areas, function, and technology along with a list of recent publications.

Using Pyxis for the Characterization of Microbiome Function
An application brief explaining how Pyxis can be used for absolute quantitation of untargeted small-molecule messenger analytes to elucidate microbiome function.

Absolute Quantification of Key Cellular Metabolites in Bioprocessing Samples Using Machine Learning
Luke Ferro, PhD, gives a short poster overview of a collaboration between Matterworks and Eli Lilly for the quantification of metabolites from bioreactors